Chef Bart van Lierop about Chevide: “An addition to the menu.”



“This reduces pressure in the kitchen. I love them. You see it in the preparation too: very convenient. We heated the Provençal chicken thighs on a dish in the oven. The ragout with poultry and mushrooms in the steamer. It doesn’t need extra effort. They are also good portions.

The chicken in the ragout was perfect already, so we didn’t need to do anything. We added some parsley and shiitake. It’s a good basic product, perfect for the classic ragout. The Provençal chicken thighs really stood out for their delicious thyme flavour”.

“We don’t want to hinder good chefs in their cooking process, but we do want to help the kitchen assistant.”

“This is a product that we could see in our category-b hotels. In these hotels, the chef doesn’t create his own menu, but less pressure in the kitchen is always nice. These products would smooth the transition from lunch and dinner. It is certainly an addition to the menu. The customers are very happy too.

We don’t want to hinder good chefs in their cooking process, but we do want to help the kitchen assistant.”